Recognizing the growing doubts and queries arising in the minds of students graduating to their next year regarding technical competitions, IEEE SPIT organized a Panel Discussion on the same, with 6 very talented individuals, in an attempt to guide the curious minds. The event started off with a brief introduction to tech competitions like Texas Instruments, Smart India Hackathon, Eyantra, and IEEE Xtreme, and their significance in highlighting one to stand out. Beginning on a very informative note, Sarah Sonje and Shloka Sapru started the discussion with their presentation on software hackathons. Very smoothly, they highlighted the exact meaning of a hackathon, its duration, and the various steps involved in it. It was brought to light that hackathons generally consist of 3 kinds of questions, which are, problem-solving, theme-oriented, and tech stack-oriented. The importance of team spirit, mutual understanding and cooperation, and having Unique Selling Points (USP) were highlighted beautifully by the duo. Moving on to the problem statements, factors involved in their selection, solution building, pre-elimination round, onsite evaluation, and the importance of incorporating constructive feedback were equally discussed informatively. While their presentation moved towards the end, the floor transformed into a very interactive session between the students and the panelists where doubts arising in the minds of the Second, as well as Third years, were cleared out concisely. Next in line, Bharadwaj Bhat, Tejweer Singh, Gopala Dhar and Suumedh Kalnawat enlightened the students with their knowledge about hardware hackathons as well as other technical competitions like eYantra, Texas Instruments, and Robocon. Their discussion involved the important points of the competition agenda, various technical competitions wherein some of the competitions are also job and internship oriented and tips for choosing a compatible team, the right mentor and most importantly, having patience. The floor was again opened to questions and answers, where many students actively participated with their queries and got their doubts cleared about the competitions that they were interested in, including technical ones as well as ideation ones. The lively and informative discussion came to an end with Praharsha Nuti, The Chairperson of IEEE SPIT, offering a vote of thanks to all the panelists and participants for their presence and cooperation.